Can you imagine needing to talk to a patient who doesn’t speak English during an emergency situation? Here are some of the most basic greetings when introducing yourself to a patient.
Jodiya n ap kòmanse ak detwa fraz ou ka itilize pou prezante tèt ou premye fwa ou kontre ak yon doktè oswa enfimyè.
English (Anglè) | Kreyòl Ayisyen (Haitian Creole) | Listen/Koute |
Good Morning. | Bonjou. | |
Good Evening. | Bonswa. | |
My name is _______________. | Mwen rele____________. | |
I am your nurse. | Mwen se enfimyè ou. | |
I am your doctor. | Mwen se doktè ou. | |
What is your name? | Kijan ou rele ? | |
It is nice to meet you. | Mwen kontan rankontre ou. | |
How are you? | Kijan ou ye? | |
I am fine. | Mwen byen. | |
I am not well. | Mwen pa byen. | |
How do you feel? | Kijan ou santi ou ? | |
I feel very good. | Mwen santi mwen anfòm. | |
I don’t feel well. | Mwen pa santi mwen byen. | |
I feel sick. | Mwen santi mwen malad. | |
What caused you to come into the clinic today? | Poukisa ou vini nan klinik la jodiya ? | |
What caused you to come into the hospital today? | Poukisa ou vini lopital la jodiya ? | |
I have been vomiting for the past two days. | Mwen gen de jou m ap vomi |
On the next page, we will discuss symptoms and medical conditions.
Nan pwochen paj la, nou pral diskite sentòm ak pwoblèm medikal ou ka genyen.
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